Historic Trains

Museums can be educational, inspirational, a place of solace, as well as encourage exploration and creativity. They bring us together and provide moments of connection. Many of our favorites are re-opening with limited capacity, so check out their websites to see hours of operation.

Sign up for, “Dimensions in Testimony” at the Nancy and David Wolf Holocaust and Humanity Center to participate in their interactive conversation.

The Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center offers, “Virtual Freedom Conversation Tours“, inviting visitors to consider their relationship between race, human rights, and freedom.
USA just installed new exhibits for the Children’s Museum + Theatre of Maine in their new building. We can’t wait until they open their doors in Spring of 2021.

Take a step back in time and immerse yourself in the virtual tours of some of the most impressive and historically significant trains and equipment dating back to the late 1800’s. USA has worked with the PA Railroad Museum for years to realize their vision. Until it is safe to visit in person, take advantage of their online resources and their activities.
Locomotive And Station In Museum 2

Coming Soon

The Explorations V Children’s Museum in Lakeland, Florida is moving! We’re so very happy to see this project underway and fortunate to be their partner for the exhibit fabrication. Take a peek to learn more about the museum and their vision for the future. Bonnet Springs Park is within walking distance to downtown and will serve as an escape from the city to explore with one another and with nature. The park will unify the city’s diverse population, offering public spaces that serve the needs of the community.

Explorations Childrens Museum

Splash Play

One of the things we can all look forward to is warmer weather. While following CDC guidelines, families can venture outdoors to explore, enjoy, and play in water themed experiences like, “Waterfall Patio” at The Magic House at St. Louis Children’s Museum. USA fabricated this ADA compliant outdoor water exhibit for kids of all ages splash around.

Waterfall Patio St Louis Childrens Museum

Lastly, USA will be virtually attending the
annual conferences for AAM and ACM in May and June.

Hope to see you there!
Also, check out our new website by our friends at Modus Medium.