Webb FarmhouseInterpretive Exhibits Longwood 5

CLIENT: Longwood Gardens
Kennett Square, PA

DESCRIPTION: As part of the new Meadow Expansion project at Longwood Gardens, USA provided interpretive exhibits for the refurbished Webb Farmhouse that displays what a visitor might find in the meadow during each season, and the history of the farmhouse. Our team worked closely with Longwood Gardens and Gecko Group to manage and print over 90 individual specialty graphics that included lambda graphics mounted to brightly colored Acrylite panels, high resolution inkjet prints on watercolor paper with deckled edges, direct-print UV inkjet images on plywood, silkscreen graphic panels, and reproduction artwork in custom-made period frames. USA also provided conservation-grade custom display casework to contain delicate artifacts and specimens throughout the year. We developed subtle methods for mounting butterfly specimens, and paper bird sculptures that would make them look as if they were floating within the cases. This beautiful display provides a calming and informative respite as visitors explore new trails in the meadow.

TEAM: Gecko Group

Fabrication & Installation
Specialty Graphics
Graphic Production Management
Artifact & Specimen Mounting
Conservation-Grade Custom Display Casework