Science Half Shell How Why We Study Evolution 5

CLIENT: Museum of the Earth at the Paleontological Research Institution
Ithaca, NY


USA managed the design and build process for this 1,200 square foot traveling exhibit. Displays include touchable models, specimen collections, media components, interactive experiences, graphics, flipbooks, and artifacts on 10 unique traveling stations. Each unit was designed with clear assembly instructions, durability, and minimal packaging for ease of storage and setup during travel.

The exhibit included over 100 bivalve specimens, and considerable prototyping went into creating custom mounting methods for each specimen, small and large, delicate and touchable, to withstand travel and care at multiple venues.

"Working with USA was a pleasure. The USA staff members with whom we interacted were easy to work with, efficient, imaginative, and receptive to our ideas and constraints. The finished exhibition was ultimately very close to our original concept, was easy to install and maintain, and has been received enthusiastically by the science museum community." - Paula M. Mikkelsen, Associate Director of Science, Paleontological Research Institution and its Museum of the Earth

TEAM: Metcalfe Architecture & Design

Design Development
Graphics Production Management
Artifact Mounting
Interactive Exhibits
Casework & Cabinetry