CLIENT: Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center
Cincinnati, OH
Telling the stories of Holocaust Survivors and their families, Cincinnati’s Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center museum inspires reflection with 7,500 square feet of exhibit space. The exhibition connected local history and the oral histories of more than 1,000 survivors that made their way through the very doors of the museum at the Cincinnati Union Terminal.
Each of the thought provoking themed segments of the exhibition contain array of interactive and immersive components that USA integrated into the overall exhibit. Many of the interactive exhibits engage with the simple push of a button, while visitors are treated to electromechanical graphic panels that move and rotate through media to tell the compelling stories. USA fabricated electromechanical-interactives, artifact casework, and exhibit elements to inspire visitors to find personal ways to take action in their own lives toward an equitable future.
Berenbaum Jacobs Associates